Saturday 26 January 2013

The Last Bit Of Fun In The Snow

Mouse was checking the weather on his phone and was sad to see that the snow was due to thaw over the next 24 hours.  Aware that this would probably be the last chance he would get this year, he decided to have one last bit of fun in the snow.

After a bit of planning, Mouse decided he would build a toboggan slope.  But this wasn't going to be any ordinary slope so he would need the help of some heavy machinery.

Mouse managed to borrow a tractor from a friend and set off creating his giant slope.  Driving the tractor wasn't as easy as it looked and he did bump into the wall a few times but fortunately no damage was done.

After a while, Mouse got the hang of the tractor driving though and started to look like a real expert.

Soon the slope was finished.  Mouse was very proud and he climbed to the top to admire his handy work.

The only thing left to do was have some fun.  Mouse got his favourite toboggan from the shed and tried out his masterpiece.

It was pretty fast and the speed caught him by surprise on a couple of occasions which resulted in him eating a bit of snow.  But Mouse didn't mind as that is what sledging is all about.

Mouse had great fun in the snow today and is now having a nap while he thinks up a plan for his next adventure.

Saturday 19 January 2013

Some fairly heavy snowfall overnight got Mouse really excited when he woke up this morning.  He said it made Desborough look just like Lapland and it reminded him of his holiday.

After a hearty breakfast of some porridge, sweetened with a touch of jam, Mouse just couldn't wait to get outside and play in the white stuff.

The fun started with a snowball fight of course.

Then a spot sliding on a tea tray.  Mouse found it really difficult to steer and ended up eating snow on several occasions, but who cares when you are having fun, right?

After all that rushing around it was time to slow down and bit and get creative.  Mouse came back to the garden and built himself a new friend.  He wasn't the most popular Mouse when it was discovered he had used one of the good hats, but nobody can stay mad at Mouse for long.

Here he is with his new pal.

Mouse will be back soon with some more antics.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year from Mouse!

Mouse has never been one for getting sloshed on New Year's Eve.  He much prefers to spend the evening in good company and then get up early and take in all that the New Year has to offer without it being spoiled by a hangover.

This year Mouse decided to contemplate his plans for the next twelve months while watching the sun rise for the first time of 2013.

He ended up at Skegness on the East coast of England.  It was a perfect morning, quite chilly but perfectly clear and dry.

Mouse has pledged to to lots of exciting and interesting things this year and to keep posting his adventures here.

Happy New Year.